Saturday, February 27, 2016

This is the Heart of Fond du Lac

I want to share a wonderful piece written by Peggy Breister in the FDL Reporter in January 2015.  A daisy, a day, a penny from heaven and a good deed.   This piece won first place feature at the Wisconsin Newspaper's 2016 Convention.

It elegantly conveys the heart of Fond du Lac,  caring, considerate people not looking for attention.  People who every day look for a way to make the life of their fellow citizens a bit brighter.

A giant THANK YOU to Kevin and Jerrod!!

I want to add my own story.  In late 2006, I took my mother to Sears for her final shopping trip.  My mother had Alzheimers and for the last months of her life she was in a wheelchair and barely able to speak.  She communicated only with expression, but she still enjoyed going out to shop, so I would take her to the mall.

As I wheeled her down the aisle in Sears, a group of young high school aged boys passed by and they all smiled broadly at her. She was smiling broadly too.  That moment immediately struck me as the reason why I love living in Fond du Lac.  I don't know who started it, and that really doesn't matter, it was a very happy moment for all of us.

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